"Coffee as fuel for creativity"
DEAD OR ALIVE COFFEE has been served in the Marte architecture office in Feldkirch since the fall of 2017. Since then, the 30 or so employees love the coffee machine, smiling while they refuel between planning, drawing, thinking and organizing inspiration. They don't stroll up to the coffee machine, they run for it. And the result is always the same: coffee or espresso from DEAD OR ALIVE COFFEE puts a smile on the face of the employees from the first sip. It offers a real boost in motivation and lets the creative team really get down to work. "For us, running out of DEAD OR ALIVE COFFEE would be worse than a server going down," says owner and architect Stefan Marte, chuckling at the daily ritual of his employees. "I always thought coffee was coffee - but after we gave DEAD OR ALIVE a try in our office, I learned otherwise," continued the winner of numerous architectural prizes. 

Coffee that delights the eye
It is true: in the creative field, strong coffee is an essential part of everyday life. And a top coffee like DEAD OR ALIVE delights the eye and lets the soul shine. In addition to fine flavor, intensity and volume, Stefan Marte also appreciates the "packaging": the unique cups were designed by the Marte.Marte architecture office. With a seemingly endless depth, a never-ending black, voluminous - that's how the designer cups appear. Because, at the end of the day, we "drink" with our eyes first. And great packaging is just as important as a high-quality coffee product.

Coffee and architecture
Stefan Marte sees parallels between his architecture and DEAD OR ALIVE COFFEE in the fact that only passion, enthusiasm and extraordinary dedication create a top product. In architecture as well as for DEAD OR ALIVE. Just as the lights are often on in his office at 10:00 pm and work on the weekends is normal, DEAD OR ALIVE COFFEE is the result of true enthusiasm. With a rock-solid faith and tireless efforts, it was possible to do more than create the perfect blend of coffee beans; DEAD OR ALIVE COFFEE has created a lifestyle, a brand that is anything but ordinary. With slogans like "fuck sleep", with skull logo and terrifying merchandise. With a rejection of everything mainstream - and the proud feeling of being among the "OUTLAWS". With the knowledge of creating something special through passion and extraordinary commitment. Discovering limits and overcoming them. In architecture as well as in the making of strong DEAD OR ALIVE coffee.

Pure lifestyle in liquid form
Coffee, like work, is for Stefan Marte an expression of lifestyle, a special way to celebrate something special. Take his annual expedition to Piedmont with his Enduro and the "Benzinbrüdern" (Gasoline Brothers). So, the anticipation is huge when the motorcycle gang arrives in the market square of the small Italian town of Murazzano. A ritual that is repeated every year. The smell of oil and gasoline, dirt splashes on motorcycle and clothes after an incredible ride across the forest and wilderness. And then the real treat, a pure sense of life: the first sip of fine Italian espresso to celebrate the ritual. Emotional and intense, rough and raw - this is how Stefan Marte describes this special moment in which he feels completely "alive". 

And while the Italian espresso paired with the motorcycle trip provides a feeling of elation, Stefan Marte is always looking forward to the DEAD OR ALIVE COFFEE when returning home, served in his specially designed cup. Philosophy and lifestyle in liquid form - including packaging that is pleasing to the eye. His fuel, which stimulates creativity and helps him to put his enthusiasm on paper. Pure enjoyment - because, at the end of the day, life is too short to drink just "any" coffee or create "any" architecture. Stefan Marte's motto: "Find the limits and push them". DEAD OR ALIVE COFFEE is without a doubt a valuable companion on this journey.